Races:All except Minotaur.
Professions:Assasin, Bard, Channeler, Confessor, Druid, Fury, Prelate, Priest, Thief, Warlock, Warrior, Wizard.
Carrier:Knellican the Black, lvl 40 humanoid. Dreadwood (59.5 x 68.4), Forest Incounnu (?), Cursed Woods (32.3 x 75.3).
Trainers:Dreadwood (59.1 x 68.8), Cursed Woods (31.9 x 74.7), Darouch Reach (69.7 x 72.5), Essing Wilds (34.9 x 65.6),
Connach Highlands (?),
Powers:(0-20) Open Fire Gate: Opens Transportation Portal at any Rune Gate
Destination depends on starting location.
(Opening fire gate from) Dovaal's Gate (takes you) to Haedon's Stone
Haedon's Stone to Sigil Stone
Sigil Stone to Rings of Kauro
Rings of Kauro to Graven Rock
Graven Rock to Dovaal's Gate
(0-20) Open Water Gate:
Dovaal's Gate to Graven Rock
Graven Rock to Rings of Kauro
Rings of Kauro to Sigil Stone
Sigil Stone Haedon's Stone
Haedon's Stone to Dovaal's Gate
(0-20) Open Earth Gate:
Dovaal's Gate to Rings of Kauro
Rings of Kauro to Haedon's Stone
Haedon's Stone to Graven Rock
Graven Rock to Sigil Stone
Sigil Stone to Dovaal's Gate
(0-20) Open Air Gate:
Dovaal's Gate to Sigil Stone
Sigil Stone to Graven Rock
Graven Rock to Haedon's Stone
Haedon's Stone to Rings of Kauro
Rings of Kauro to Dovaal's Gate
Method #1 of Travell: Train 5 points of any ONE of the gates,
then bounce from place to place, waiting 20 seconds at each gate for the re-cast timer.
Method #2: Train 5 points of EACH of the 4 gates, then use the gate
info written above to find the destination.
Method #3: Train 20 points into either ONE of the 4 gates, and have
all gates open at once. This can be very confusing, unless you memorize the colors of the portals.
Training less than 5 points into any of the gates will result in cast failure.
Target any Runegate before activating the spell. Each cast uses approx. 50 stamina.