

Req.     Description          Skill    Damage   Speed       DamType       Wt. 
----     -----------          -----    ------   -----       --------      ----
 44%     Throwing Axe         Axe       4-18    41.3        Slash          9.8
 70%     Balanced Axe         Axe       6-26    43.6        Slash         10.5
100%     Hurlbat              Axe       8-34    45          Slash         11

 44%     Throwing Knife       Dagg.     2-10    22.5        Pierce         3.5
 70%     Balanced Dagger      Dagg.     3-13    21.8        Pierce         3.3
100%     Throwing Spike       Dagg.     5-18    24.6        Pierce         4.2

 44%     Throwing Hammer      Hammer    4-15    35.6        Crush          7.9
 70%     Throwing Sledge      Hammer    6-22    38.2        Crush          8.7
100%     Storm Hammer         Hammer    7-30    39.6        Crush          9.2

*All throwing weapons have a range of 50 units (1/3 range of bows).
**Weapon mastery for all throwing weapons is Throwing.

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