

Req.     Description       Damage   Speed      DamType       Wt.
----     -----------       ------   -----      --------      ---     
  0%     Flimsy Axe         2-10     45        Slashing      11
 15%     Hand Axe           2-10     45        Slashing      11
 37%     Bearded Axe        3-14     44.1      Slashing      10.7
 38%     Leaf Bladed Pick   3-12     36.2      Piercing       8.1
 41%     War Spike          4-14     38        Piercing       8.7
 42%     Corsair's Axe      4-17     41.7      Slashing       9.9
 56%     Small Axe          5-22     43.9      Slashing      10.6
 57%     Military Pick      5-18     36.5      Piercing       8.2
 62%     Military Axe       6-22     42.5      Slashing      10.2
 64%     Crowbill Pick      5-19     35.6      Piercing       7.9
 67%     Field Axe          6-23     41.2      Slashing       9.7
 68%     Battle Pick        5-22     37.6      Piercing       8.5
 70%     Battle Axe         6-26     43.6      Slashing      10.5
 80%     Barbed Pick        6-22     35        Piercing       7.7
 84%     Spiked Axe         7-29     43.4      Slashing      10.5
 91%     Twin Axe           8-30     43.5      Slashing      10.5
 96%     Bonecutter Axe     8-32     44.3      Slashing      10.8
100%     Crescent Axe       8-34     45        Slashing      11

*All these axes are 1-handed.
**All these axes use Axe Mastery.

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